Texas Holdem Poker 3 Java Jar

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Texas Holdem Poker Sites


This project has been created as a platform to experiment with a Texas Hold'em poker game in Java.

Its primary goal is to offer a clean, open source Texas Hold'em poker engine in Java. The game engine strives to follow the famous Robert's Rules of Poker as closely as possible. In order to test the game engine, the project also offers a Swing GUI and bots.

Texas Holdem Poker 3 Java Jar

This project is provided under the Apache License 2.0.



Texas Holdem Poker 3 Java Jar Download

The current implementation support the Fixed-Limit and No-Limit variants of the game with a Swing GUI, with the human player playing against 3 bots.

Building and running

This Java project has a Maven structure. Build the project with 'mvn clean install' and find the binary in the 'target' directory. Run the game with 'java -jar texasholdem.jar'.


If you like this project or have any questions please mail me (oscar.stigter@gmail.com). For bug reports or feature requests please create an issue using this GitHub project site Your input is highly appreciated!


This project is created only because of my love for Java and my interest in the game of poker. As a Christian, I strongly oppose to any form of gambling, as I believe it eventually leads to a path of greed, destruction and suffering.