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'The Gypsy Laddie' (Roud1, Child200), also known as 'Black Jack Davy' and'The Raggle Taggle Gypsies' among many other titles, is a Scottishtraditionalfolk ballad[1],possibly written about 1720. The ballad has often been used andrecorded in many different variations in Scotland and England from the 18th century, the United States, Canada from the 19th century, andIreland from the 1970s.

  • 3Alternative titles
  • 4Relation to otherfolk traditions
  • 7Cross references


Francis James Child's compilation,the five-volume The English and Scottish Popular Ballads(1882–1898), provides an excellent history of this ballad.The Gypsy Laddie is ballad number 200 in the collection,and Child describes that the printed versions of this balladprobably date back to at least 1720 and is traditional Scottishfolk tune.[2] Theearliest known printing was in Tea Table Miscellany(1740). 'Lady Cassilles' Lilt' (aka 'Johnny Faa, the GypsieyLaddie') is among the Skene manuscripts from the 17thcentury.[3]

Nick Tosches inhis Country: The Twisted Roots of Rock 'N' Roll, spendspart of his first chapter examining the song's history. He comparesthe song's narrative to the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. The ballad, according to Tosches, retells the storyof John Faw, a 17th century outlaw, described as a Scottish Gypsy, and LadyJane Hamilton, wife of John Kennedy, 6th Earlof Cassilis. Lord Cassilis led a band of men (some sources say16, other 7) to abduct her. They were caught and hanged on the'Dool Tree' in 1643. The 'Gypsies' were killed (except for one, whoescaped) and Lady Jane Hamilton was imprisoned for the remainder ofher life, dying in 1642.

Robert Burnsused the song in his Reliques of Robert Burns; consistingchiefly of original letters, poems, and critical observations onScottish songs (1808).


The song tells of a Gypsy who tries, successfully, to charmthe unmarried daughter of a squire. He promises her wealth and shegoes off with him. When the squire comes home and discovers whathas happened he rides off in search of his daughter, and after along chase he finds her. The final encounter is where the daughterrefuses to come home, saying 'What care I for your fine feathersheets?'

In other versions she is married, and her lord comes home tofind his lady 'gone with the gypsy laddie.' He saddles his fastesthorse to follow her. He finds her and bids her come home, asking'Would you forsake your husband and child?' She will not return,preferring the cold ground and the gypsy's company to her lord'swealth and fine bed.

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In another version the gypsy has six brothers, and when thesquire has caught up with them he has all seven of the raggletaggle Gypsies hanged. In some versions the gypsy turns out to begenuinely wealthy. The song 'Lizzie Lindsay' hasa similar theme. Robert Burns adapted the song into 'SweetTibby Dunbar,' a shorter version of the story.

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There is also children's version by Elizabeth Mitchell whichhas lyrical content changed to be about a young girl 'charminghearts of the ladies', and sailing 'across the deep blue sea, wherethe skies are always sunny'.

Although the hero of this song is often called 'Johnny Faa' oreven 'Davy Faa,' he should not be confused with the hero/villain of'Davy Faa (Remember the Barley Straw).' [Silber and Silbermisidentify all their texts] as deriving from 'Child 120,' which isactually 'Robin Hood's Death.' According toThe Faber Book of Ballads the name Faa was commonamong Gypsies in the 17th century.


  • 'Black Jack Davy'
  • 'Black Jack Davey'
  • 'Black Jack David'
  • 'Blackjack David'
  • 'Clayton Boone'
  • 'The Gypsy Davy'
  • 'The Gypsy Rover'
  • 'Johnny Faa'
  • 'Davy Faa'
  • 'The Raggle Taggle Gipsies'
  • 'The Raggle Taggle Gypsies'
  • 'The Wraggle Taggle Gypsy'
  • 'The Lady and the Gypsy'
  • 'Three Gypsies'
  • 'Harrison Brady'
  • 'Gypson Davy'
  • 'Gypsy Davey'
  • 'Black-Eyed Davy'
  • 'Black Eyed Daisy'
  • 'Black-eyed Gypsy'
  • 'The Heartless Lady'
  • 'Egyptian Davio'
  • 'It Was Late in the Night'
  • 'When Johnny Came Home'
  • 'The Gyps of Davy'
  • 'The Dark-Clothed Gypsy'
  • 'Seven Yeller Gypsies'
  • 'Black Jack Baby'

Relation to other folktraditions

The theme of the wandering gypsy or labourer is frequently foundin folk music (e.g. an Irish language song called 'An SpailpínFánach' has an Irish Traveller or a seasonallabourer).


  • Cliff Carlisle, 'Black Jack David' (Decca 5732, 1939)
  • CarterFamily, 'Black Jack David' (Conqueror 9574, 1940)
  • WoodyGuthrie, 'Gypsy Davy' (on A Treasury of Library of CongressField Recordings, 1941)
  • O. J. Abbott, 'The Gypsy Daisy'
  • John JacobNiles, 'The Gypsy Laddie' (on Sings American FolkSongs, ?1956)
    (on Irish and British Songs from the Ottawa Valley,1961, recorded 1957)
    • Pete Seeger,'Gypsy Davy' (on Pete Seeger Sings American Ballads,1957)
  • Harry Jackson, 'Clayton Boone' (on The Cowboy: His Songs,Ballads & Brag Talk, 1957)
  • Burl Ives 'TibbyDunbar' (on In the Quiet of the Night, 1958)
  • Mary Jo Davis, 'Black Jack Davy' (on Folk MusicU.S.A., 1959)
  • Harry Cox, JeannieRobertson, Paddy Doran [composite] 'The Gypsy Laddie' (as 'TheGypsie Laddie'),
    (on Folk Songs of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales:Classis Ballads of Britain and Ireland, vol 2, 2000,originally issued in shorter form in 1961)
  • Jean Ritchie,'Gypsy Laddie' (on British Traditional Ballads in the SouthernMountains, vol 1, 1961)
  • Tossi Aaron, 'Gypsy Davy' (on Philadelphia Folk Festival,vol. 2, Prestige/International 13072, 1962)
  • Margaret MacArthur, 'Gypsy Davy' (on Folk songs ofVermont, 1963)
  • Maire Aine Ni Dhonnchadha, 'The Gypsy-O'
    (on Traditional Music of Ireland, vol 2: Songs and Dancesfrom Down, Kerry and Clare, 1963)
  • Lawrence Older, 'Gypsy Davy' (on Adirondack Songs, Balladsand Fiddle Tunes, 1963)
  • New Lost City Ramblers, 'BlackJack David'
    (on The New Lost City Ramblers, vol 4, 1962);
(also 'Black Jack Daisy' (on Remembrance of Things toCome, 1966)
  • Warren Smith, 'Black Jack David'(Sun 250, 1956)
  • Tommy Makem(solo), 'The Whistling Gypsy' (On Folk Songs AndMinstrelsy, Vanguard Records, 1960)
  • TheClancy Brothers and Tommy Makem, 'The Whistling Gypsy' (OnThe Clancy Brothers And Tommy Makem, Columbia Records,1961)
  • The ChadMitchell Trio, 'The Whistling Gypsy Rover' (On Mighty DayOn Campus, Kapp Records, 1961)
  • TheKingston Trio, 'The Gypsy Rover' (On Close-Up, CapitolRecords, 1961)
  • The Highwaymen, 'GypsyRover' (1961)
  • Barbara Dane,'Gypsy Davy' (on When I was a Young Girl, 1961)
  • Davy Graham 'Seven Gypsies' (on Folk,Blues and Beyond, 1964)
  • The Corries'Whistling Gypsy' (on The Promise OfThe Day, 1965)
  • BuffySainte-Marie 'House Carpenter' (on Little Wheel Spin andSpin, 1966)
  • ShirleyCollins, 'Seven Yellow Gypsies' (on Power of the True LoveKnot, 1967)
  • MartinCarthy, 'Seven Yellow Gypsies' (on Prince Heathen,1969)
  • Fotheringay,'Gypsy Davey' (on Fotheringay, 1970)
  • IncredibleString Band, 'Black Jack Davy' (on I Looked Up, 1970, note - this versionis original, written by Mike Heron but tells a similar story as theothers)
  • ChristyMoore, 'The Raggle Taggle Gipsies' (on Prosperous,1972)
  • Planxty, 'Raggle TaggleGypsy' (on Planxty, 1973)
  • Arlo Guthrie,'Gypsy Davy' (on Last of the BrooklynCowboys, 1973)
  • Taj Mahal, 'Blackjack Davey' (onMo'Roots, 1974)
  • Steve Gaines,'Black Jack Davey' (on One in the Sun, 1975)
  • Wizz Jones, 'GypsyDavey' (on Lazy Farmer, 1975)
  • TheWatersons 'Seven Yellow Gypsies' (on For Pence and SpicyAle, 1975)
  • SteeleyeSpan, 'Black Jack Davy' (on All Around My Hat, 1975)
  • Kevin Roth, 'BlackJack Davy' (on Kevin Roth Sings and Plays Dulcimer,1975)
  • Dillard Chandler, 'Black Jack Daisy' (on The End of an OldSong, 1975)
  • Tannahill Weavers, 'Gypsy Laddie' (onAre Ye Sleeping Maggie, 1976)
  • DoloresKeane, 'Seven Yellow Gypsies' (on There Was A Maid,1978)
  • The Bully Wee Band 'Tibby Dunbar' (on Madmen ofGotham, 1981)
  • Golden Bough, 'Black Jack Davy' (on The Boatman'sDaughter, 1983)
  • TheWaterboys, 'The Raggle Taggle Gypsy' (on Room to Roam,1990)
  • Bob Dylan,'Blackjack Davey' (on Good as I Been to You,1992)
  • Chesapeake, 'Black Jack Davey' (on Rising Tide,1994)
  • Cordelia'sDad, 'Gypsy Davy' (on Comet, 1995)
  • Sandra And Nancy Kerr, 'Seven Yellow Gypsies' (on Neat andComplete, 1996)
  • SharonKnight, 'Black Jack Davy' (on Incantation, 1996)
  • Rapalje 'Raggle Taggle Gypsy' (on Into Folk, 1998& Celtic Fire, 2008)
  • Dave Alvin,'Blackjack David' (on Blackjack David, 1998)
  • Waterson:Carthy 'Ragggle Taggle Gipsies' (on BrokenGround, 1999)
  • CarlosNúñez 'The Raggle Taggle Gypsy (on Os Amores Libres,1999)
  • Grace Notes 'Gypsy Davey' (on Red Wine and Promises1999)
  • TheProdigals, 'Black-eyed Gypsy' (on Go On, 1999)
  • The Empty Hats, 'Raggle Taggle Gypsys' (on GreatestHats, 2002)
  • TheWhite Stripes, 'Black Jack Davey' (on Seven NationArmy, 2003)
  • Jim Moray, 'Gypsies'(on Sweet England, 2003)
  • Benji Kirkpatrick, 'The Gypsy Laddie' (on Half A FruitPie, 2004)
  • Rosie Doonan & Ben Murray, 'Gypsy Davy' (on MillLane, 2004)
  • Alison Moyet,'The Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies-O!' (on Voice, 2004)
  • Harem Scarem 'Tibby Dunbar'(on The Birnam Witch Project, 2005)
  • June Tabor,'Gypsum Davey' (on Always, 2005)
  • Nic Jones, 'SevenYellow Gypsies' (on Game Set Match, 2006)
  • CelticThunder, 'Raggle Taggle Gypsy' (on Celtic Thunder.2008)
  • Ariella Uliano, 'The Wraggle Taggle Gipsies' (on Leave OnlyYour Footsteps Behind, 2008)
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  • John Smith, 'SevenGypsies' (2009)


  • Bodleian, Harding B 11(1446), 'Gypsy Laddie,' W. Stephenson(Gateshead), 1821-1838; also Harding B 11(2903), 'Gypsy Loddy';Harding B 19(45), 'The Dark-Eyed Gipsy O'; Harding B 25(731),'Gipsy Loddy'; Firth b.25(220), 'The Gipsy Laddy'; Harding B11(1317), 'The Gipsy Laddie, O'; Firth b.26(198), Harding B15(116b), 2806 c.14(140), 'The Gipsy Laddie'; Firth b.25(56),'Gypsie Laddie'
  • Murray, Mu23-y3:030, 'The Gypsy Laddie,' unknown, 19C
  • NLScotland, L.C.Fol.178.A.2(092), 'The Gipsy Laddie,' unknown,c. 1875
  • Tosches, Nick(1996). Country: The Twisted Roots of Rock 'N' Roll. DaCapo Press. ISBN 0-306-80713-0.


  • cf. 'The Roving Ploughboy' (theme, lyrics, tune)
  • Bob Dylan's 'Tombstone Blues' has:
And Gypsy Davey with a blowtorch he burns out their camps
With his faithful slave Pedro behind him he tramps
  • Also there is a joke:- How many folksingers does it take tochange a light bulb?
There were seven yellow Gypsies all in a row
They were brave and bonny-O
One to change the bulb and one to tell the tale
And there's five to run away with the lady-O[4]

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  1. ^The English and Scottish popular ballads By Francis JamesChild
  2. ^The English and Scottish popular ballads By Francis JamesChild
  3. ^Child, 'Raggle-TaggleGypsies'
  4. ^Lightbulb jokes

Bob Dylan Songs


Bob Dylan Black Jack Davey Listen Online Music

  • 'The Wraggle TaggleGipsies-O' melody and lyrics
  • Origins: 'The Raggle-TaggleGypsy' at The Mudcat Café
  • {note|FAQ}} 'FAQ'.mikescottwaterboys. Retrieved October 282005.
  • Variant lyrics, with chordsfrom The Waterboys arrangement