For Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow on the DS, GameRankings has 20 cheat codes and secrets. The slot machine will spin to the last three digits of your gold count (if you have 1,945 gold, it'll spin to 945, etc.) If your last three gold digits are '573', then the slot machine will slowly move out of your way.
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.
Secret Monsters
There are three secret monsters (the Yeti,Mothman, and the Flying Humanoid.) To get the Yetiyou must first get the Waiter Skeleton Soul thengo back to the very beginning of the game. Youwill see him walking in the background. Toss thecurry and he will come up where you can attack himand gain his soul. You will need the Rycuda soulleveled up to at least two to get Mothman. Go toThe Pinnacle to the area where there are two finalguards and a light in between them. Strike thegenerator next to the light with Rycuda andMothman will appear. For the Flying Humanoid, youwill need the Mandragora soul. Enter the room inbetween the Zephyr Boss room and a save room thenuse the soul.
Iron Golem Soul
In your sets, equip in A: unarmed, your favoritearmor, and Soul Eater Ring. In the Souls, equipImp[B], Black Panther[G], and for enchant, you canuse anything. In set B: use any weapon, yourfavorite armor, and Chaos Ring. In Souls, equipSuccubus[B], and any other guardian and enchant,though Treant[E] is recommended. Then, go to theplace in Wizardry lab where you break the ceiling.Find the fountain in the lost village, then fallall the way down, and turn right to find the IronGolem. Activate Imp[B], and punch the thing veryfast and it should die. If you get low on HP orMP, use the Black Panther[G] soul to dash to theroom on the right, then switch to set B. The ChaosRing will replenish your MP and you can use theSuccubus[B] soul to get HP from the ghosts. Whenthe process is done, switch back to set A andcontinue fighting the golem.
Defeat Zephyr
To defeat Zephyr you need good timing. He willrush at you and wont stop until he hits youunless you jump over him so use the double jump.An easy way to attack Zephyr is the Gergothsoul. Use it while Zephyr slowly walks towardyou. Another attack Zephyr has is to stop time.He will stop time and set knives above you. Movecarefully when time starts again. He will alsothrow knives horizontally and diagonally fromthe ceiling so you will have to dodge a lot.
Beat Balore Easier
To beat Balore easier, get the Manticore souland get the Battle Axe or the Bhuj. You attackonce with the axe, and the tail will attacktwice doing much more damage.
Defeating Dmitri
To defeat Dmitri in your first encounter with him,use the Axe Armor bullet-type soul only, becauseany other soul you use will be copied and usedagainst you. Use the Axe Armor until you hit himonce. He can now only use that attack. When heuses your Axe Armor, go in-between the attack andhimself and hit him with any heavy weapon once. Hewill then dash backwards and attack you again.Repeat this trick until he dies. Do not getworried if he hits you with the Axe Armor, becauseit will not hurt much.The best way to defeat Dmitri is to use the CaveTroll Soul and let him copy it. The Tongue will goto the end of his arm.
Defeating The Iron Golem
Use the Imp soul. It switches HP damage to MP damage.
Castlevania Dawn Of Sorrow Slot Machine
Defeating Abaddon
When fighting Abaddon, equip Death as yourGuardian Soul. Death's scythes will attack Abaddonrepeatedly for about 30 to 35 HP of damage perhit. Death's Soul also will destroy some of thelocust swarms that Abaddon uses. Keep dodgingAbaddon and the locust swarms, and use Mind Ups orMana Prisms to keep your MP filled. Use potions orfood when your HP gets low. When using acombination of physical attacks and Death'sGuardian Soul, it will not take long to take downAbaddon.
Easier Boss Rush Mode
Activate the Devil Soul and use the ValmanwaySword. You will take down all the Bosses in lessthan five minutes.
Best Ending
Use the Paranoia Soul to fight Aguni. Collect theMagic Seal then return to the center of thecastle. Have Mina's Talisman equipped when youenter the Boss door, then complete the game.
Bad Ending
Use the Paranoia Soul to enter the mirror duringthe second battle with Dario Bossi. Defeat Aguni,then return to the other side of the mirror andget the Magic Seal. Then, go to the center of thecastle and enter the Boss door without Mina'sTalisman.
Worst Ending
Get 100% of the Souls to get the Chaos Ring, inthe abyss.
Rocket Launcher (RPG)
Finish Boss Rush mode in less than five minutes toget the Rocket Launcher 'RPG'.
Finish Boss Rush mode in less than eight minutesto get the 'Terror Bear' weapon.
Finish Boss Rush mode in less than seven minutesto get the 'Nunchakus' weapon.
Death Robe
Finish Boss Rush mode in less than six minutes toget the 'Death Robe'. It a powerful armor, butDracula's Tunic is better.
Last Two Abilities
The last two abilities are actually enemy souls.These souls are the Procel and Mudman. Procel isfound in Subterranean Hell. whereas Mudman isfound in the Abyss. These souls allow you to walkthrough water and sand freely.
Easy Boss Rush Mode
Have Kaladbolg, Serenity Robe, Chaos Ring, Slogra,Gaibon, and Stolas Souls on Equip set A and BlackPanther Soul on set B. This gives you very goodInt and the ability to throw multiple highdamaging spears. Gaibon Familiar throws a spearwhen you throw one. You can quickly go throughBoss Rush mode, approaching the two minute mark.
Attack Faster
If you have a heavy weapon like a great sword,slow attacks can be a problem. To hit the enemytwice quickly, stand very close to them andattack. Then just as it connects, press L to dashbackwards. As soon as it stops, you can attackagain; and if you are still close enough it shouldhit. This is quicker than just attacking twicenormally.
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Julius HP Recovery
Find an Imp, then change to Yoko. Let the Impposses her (make her attack). You should regain HPwith each attack. Note: The Imp may choose toattack you; make sure you have enough HP tosurvive one or dodge it if the creature lunges.
Alucard In Julius Mode
To get Alucard as a playable character, enter theDemon Guest House from the lower right enteric.When you enter, Alucard will have a conversationwith Julius and he will join your team. Alucardhas his Alucard Sword and the High Jump Boots. Hecan also turn into a bat. He can use his Hellfireability to attack from afar.
Rare Ring
Have the Game Boy Advance game Castlevania: AriaOf Sorrow in the cartridge slot and start a newgame to have the Rare Ring in your inventory. Free lion slot machine games.
Mina Doll
Have the Game Boy Advance game Castlevania: AriaOf Sorrow in the cartridge slot. You will see aMina doll in the background of Yoko's shop wavingher arms.
Alucard In Boss Rush Mode
Successfully complete the game as Soma with a 100%completion and complete Julius mode. Then, pressUp(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A atthe Konami logo. Remain idle until the Konami logoappears again, then press Up, Down, then hold Upuntil the sound of a door opening is heard. SelectBoss Rush mode to play as Alucard with his AlucardSet.
Defeating Puppet Master
Use a familiar against the Puppet Master and havehim attack the dolls the Puppet Master summons. Bydoing this, you can proceed to attack the headwhile the familiar takes out the hands. Note: Forthis to work, you must have extremely quickreflexes and great hand-eye coordination. Of course when a great local band is playing there is never a cover charge.The casino is easy to find on South Tacoma Way where I-5 meets Hwy. Come in on the weekend to hear top bands and dance the night away.
To get the bell you need to get the HippogryphSoul in the abyss. Go to the room in the darkchapel with the three bells and use the HippogryphSoul under each bell. One of them will drop thebell that you can sell to Hammer.
Defeating Aguni
Aguni is arguably the hardest Boss in the game. Hehas four attacks; a downward spiral that explodesinto large pillars of fire, three smaller firepillars, a swoop attack, and repeated slashes withhis claws. To dodge his attacks, keep as far awayas possible, or extremely close to a wall. When heswoops past or comes to swipe at you, duckunderneath and slide inward. His pillar attackscan be dodged by jumping, and often open up foreasy hits with a heavy weapon (for example, GreatAxe or Mjollnjr) . Some helpful Souls that can beused include: familiars, Corpseweed, Barbaricciaand Erinys.
Easy Mothman
Use the following trick to get Mothman to appeareasily. First go to Yoko then go to weaponsynthesis. Synthesize the hammer to its last stage(Mjolln Jr.). Note: You will need to sacrifice aBoss soul in order to do this. Then, go to thePinnacle and go to the room that has the two finalguards. Use the weapon on the generator. Thisshould make the Mothman appear.
In the Demon Guest House, there is a small roomwith a bed, a waiter skeleton, and a chair in it.When you walk in, the skeleton will throw curry atyou and run into the wall, killing itself. Walk infront of the chair and press Up to sit in it. Waitfor about fifteen seconds and a crown will appearon the floor in front of you. It cannot beequipped and you cannot use it. The descriptionreads '5000 points'.
Killer Clown Soul Faces
If you have it, activate the Killer Clown Soul and use it on an enemy. Notice that the card enlarges and tears in half once it makes contact with an enemy. Also, notice that while it is tearing that it actually has a character's face on it. The card/character combos are:
Gold Ring
To get the Gold Ring, go to the room in theSubterranean Hell containing the gold door withthe slot machine. Have the last three digits ofyour gold to be 666 and the door will open,revealing the Gold Ring. This makes enemies dropmore gold.
Double Archer
Set Amalaric Sniper soul as a Bullet soul, thenset Skull Archer as a Guardian soul. Whenever yougo to charge the Skull Archer with R, the AmalaricSniper will automatically activate at the sametime and fire alongside. This is a very powerfulcombo, especially in the early levels, as how mostenemies are not strong and will die quickly. Alsonote that depending on how long you charge theSkull Archer's soul, it may consume a lot of mana.
Pass The Spiked Room
In order to pass the spiked room that is inSubterranean Hell, you can use one of thesemethods. The first is to equip these souls: PuppetMaster, Bat Company and Skeleton Ape. Fly up untilyou get to a space on the floor with Bat Company.Then, use Puppet Master so you can transfer to thenext space. Fly again with Bat Company to theother side. The second method is to equip on yourR souls, Bone Ark. Then just use it from the startof the spiked room and wait for it to carry youthe next end.
Easy Money
Go to the Lost Village. Kill some Axe Armors untilyou get an axe. Then, go to Yoko's house andupgrade the axe into the Battle Axe. Then, upgradethe Battle Axe into a Bhuj. Then, go to Hammer'sshop and sell it for 10,000 gold. If this is yourfirst time in this level, then you should save themoney. After you have played a few more levels,you can buy good weapons such as the katana,handgun, etc.
Soul Synthesis Warning
If you want the best weapons in the game, be readyto give up some of your Boss souls. For example,if you want the Claimh Solais then you must giveup the Gergoth soul.
Easy Soul Eater Ring And Money
Get the Mimic soul and go to the Clock Tower.There is a save room with a spike pit next to itat the bottom right corner of the Clock Tower. TheMimic soul will usually give you 500 gold eachtime you are hit by the spikes. Whenever you getlow on health, go to the save room, heal, and repeat.
Free Potions
In one section of Subterranean Hell you will notice a see-saw with a boulder sitting on it. In the background are bells hanging on the walls. Hit the flat part of the see-saw with a hammer type weapon. The rewards for ringing the bells are as follows:
Three 7's Clothing
In the Garden Of Madness is one of the gold slotmachine doors. The best online casino. Have the last three digits of yourgold to be 777. The door will open, revealing thethree 7's clothing. This will boost your Luck,Intelligence and Constitution by 7.In the Garden of Madness, open the slot machinedoor with any amount of coins ending in 777.Alternately, equip the Rare Ring and start killingKiller Clowns. Eventually they will drop the Three7s armor, which can be sold for 3885 gold each.
Shaman Ring
In the Condemned tower, there is a room with agold slot machine door. Make the last three digitsof your gold to be 573, and the door will open,revealing the Shaman Ring. This allows you to gainexperience faster.
Konami Man
In the Clocktower in one of the rooms with a lotof spikes, there is a small area with no spikesthat is very difficult to reach. Use the BatCompany Soul and land on the spot, then crouch.The Konami man will fly by, which you can catchand sell to Hammer.
Magic Seals
In the game you will find magic seals you willneed them to get through to fight the demons.The best way to get them is by fighting celio orone of the other bad guys. To do a magic sealrun up to a part of the wall that is blocked offand has a red dot in the middle then on thetouch screen it should say proceed with magicseal and say yes wants you start doing the magicseal you can't take your stylus off the touchscreen.
We have no cheats or codes for Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Glitch: Leave Level Boundary
This trick requires the Succubus Soul and theCutall weapon. Go to the last save location in theAbyss and do the special attack on the very end ofthe wall, not near the door Keep doing the specialmove until you fall out of the level. You can getback to the save room. If you have a 100% mapcompletion, you will uncover about 56% more if youmanage to get back in the save room. Note: If thisis done, you will make the final Boss impossibleto defeat. After you defeat him, he will just respawn.
We have no guides or FAQs for Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
This page contains Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow Hints for Nintendo DS called 'Getting the Shaman Ring' and has been posted or updated on Sep 19, 2006 by joeblack1234.
- Developer: Konami
- Publisher: Konami
- Genre: Action Platformer
- Release: Oct 4, 2005
- ESRB: Teen
Dawn Of Sorrow Piano
Getting the Shaman Ring
To obtain this, go to the left of the Condemned Tower, then down after the Harpy pathway. In this area, there will be a lot of Medusa Heads. If you fall on the right side, you'll find a slot machine with the number '573' on it. The slot machine will spin to the last three digits of your gold count (if you have 1,945 gold, it'll spin to 945, etc.) If your last three gold digits are '573', then the slot machine will slowly move out of your way.If you don't have your last digits at '573', go to The Lost Village. All the lampposts you can break, especially the one in Hammer's Shop, are great for collecting money. Blue coins give $1, Bronze give $10, Silver give $50, and Gold give $100. Make sure you know the coin amounts, since the procedure is pretty important. After you get '573' as the last digits, go back to the slot machine. It'll erode away, and inside will be the Shaman Ring. It increases EXP gain which is pretty useful when you want to level faster.
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Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow - Intro
- Added on: May 14, 2014
Dawn Of Sorrow Wiki
Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow - Intro (HD)
- Added on: May 14, 2014